Judul: Gending Gereja R.C Hardjasoebrata: Sebuah Akulturasi -S2.PEN.SENI
Pengarang: SUBUH
Penerbit: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Gadjah Mada
Tahun: 2003
Tipe: Tesis
Lokasi: Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Budaya

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mencoba menelaah satu karya karawitan yang dicipta pada masa transisi, dari masa penjajahan ke masa kemer dekaan. R.C. Hardjasoebrata adalah satu di antara komponis karawitan lainnya yang muncul pada masa transisi tersebut, dan dapat mewakili gambaran adanya suatu proses perubahan budaya dalam hal karawitan. Salah satu ciptaan R.C. Hardjasoebrata yang dapat mewakili representasi pribadinya adalah gending gereja yang dirintisnya sejak tahun 1926. Agar dapat menelaah gending gereja karya R.C. Hardja- subrata secara mendalam, maka di dalam penelitian ini digunakan pendekatan multidisiplin yang terdiri dari pendekatan antropologi. sosiologi, dan etnomusikologi. Dengan berbagai pendekatan ter- sebut dapat diketahui bahwa gending-gending gereja R.C. Hardja- soebrata mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting dalam sejarah inkulturasi gending gereja Jawa.===This research tries to understand a karawitan creation, which was created during transition time from colonial to Independence Day of time. R.C. Hardjasoebrata was one of karawitan composers who came up in the transition time, and herepresents as a figur that changed the process of culture in karawitan composition. One of R.C. Hardjasoebrata creations,which can represent his personality, is gending gereja (church song), that was introdused since 1926. This research uses multidisciplinary approach to understand deeply gending gereja as R.C. Hardjasocbrata creation. The approach consists of anthropology, sociology and ethnomusicology approach. By using some approaches above, we realize that the gending gereja as R.C. Hardjasoebrata creations have a very impor- tant role in Javanese gending gereja transformation.

ABSTRACT This research tries to understand a karawitan creation, which was created during transition time from colonial to Independence Day of time. R.C. Hardjasoebrata was one of karawitan composers who came up in the transition time, and herepresents as a figur that changed the process of culture in karawitan composition. One of R.C. Hardjasoebrata creations,which can represent his personality, is gending gereja (church song), that was introdused since 1926. This research uses multidisciplinary approach to understand deeply gending gereja as R.C. Hardjasocbrata creation. The approach consists of anthropology, sociology and ethnomusicology approach. By using some approaches above, we realize that the gending gereja as R.C. Hardjasoebrata creations have a very impor- tant role in Javanese gending gereja transformation.

Subyek/Kata Kunci: Gending Gereja R.C Hardjasoebrata: Sebuah Akulturasi