Judul: Model Untuk Kendali Kestabilan Vtol Fixed-Wing Uav Pada Transisi Sesaat Setelah Take Off Dan Bersamaan Proses Climbing Dengan Pengaruh Ground Effect Dan Gangguan Eksternal ===Model For Stability Control Of Vtol Fixed-Wing Uav In Transition Immediately After Take Off And Simultaneous With The Climbing Process Considering Ground Effect And External Disturbance
Pengarang: Andi Dharmawan ; Agus Harjoko ; Erwhin Irmawan
Penerbit: FMIPA UGM
Tahun: 2023
Tipe: Disertasi
Lokasi: Perpustakaan Fakultas MIPA

ABSTRAK VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) fixed wing (VFW) dalam beberapa tahun terakhir menjadi topik penelitian yang menarik, terutama pada proses transisi dari VTOL ke fixed wing dan sebaliknya. Transisi merupakan tahapan paling krusial dalam penerbangan VFW. Salah satu strategi transisi terbaru dan paling menantang adalah transisi dengan meniru lepas landas burung, di mana lepas landas vertikal dan horizontal dilakukan secara bersamaan. Transisi dengan pola seperti ini akan dipengaruhi ground effect, karena transisi dimulai dari tanah. Ground effect memiliki dampak positif berupa penambahan gaya angkat, akan tetapi juga terdapat dampak negatif yaitu terganggunya kestabilan terbang. Penelitian ini mengembangkan model fisik dan model matematis VFW yang dipadukan dengan ground effect dengan pendekatan Newton Euler. Pendekatan state space digunakan untuk merancang kendali linear quadratic regulator (LQR) yang menangani proses transisi VFW. Simualsi visual tiga dimensi pada ROS (robot operating system) dan Gazebo dilakukan untuk menguji model VFW, model ground effect, dan sistem kendali LQR. Pengujian dilakukan dengan tiga skenario yaitu dalam kondisi ideal, dengan pengaruh ground effect, dan dengan gangguan eksternal. Hasil pengujian dari ketiga skenario menunjukkan bahwa VFW berhasil melaksanakan misi transisi meniru lepas landas burung, yaitu mampu memenuhi indikator keberhasilan steady state error pitch dan steady state error roll kurang dari 4,5°, laju kecepatan yaw kurang dari 3°/detik, airspeed lebih dari 5m/detik, serta ketinggian lebih dari 5m. Pada saat transisi, ground effect memberikan gaya angkat tambahan sehingga ketinggian jelajah dicapai pada saat t bernilai 4,53 detik yaitu lebih cepat 0,18 detik daripada tanpa ground effect. Namun demikian, ground effect memberikan dampak negatif terjadinya ketidakstabilan sikap roll sebesar 4,30° dan sikap pitch sebesar 8,17°. Pada saat pengujian dengan gangguan eksternal terjadi error roll sebesar -9,39° dan error pitch sebesar 9,43°, namun demikin kendali dapat menstabilkan kembali dengan settling time sikap roll 0,93 detik dan settling time sikap pitch 0,90 detik. Keseluruhan pengujian menunjukkan bahwa kendali LQR mampu menangani ketidakstabilan yang disebabkan ground effect maupun gangguan eksternal. Dalam rangka untuk meningkatkan unjuk kerja perlu dilakukan optimasi kendali untuk meminimalisir steady state error roll dan steady state error pitch pada penelitian mendatang, serta menambahkan skenario pengujian dengan memberikan gangguan eksternal pada saat terjadi ground effect===In recent years, VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) Fixed Wing (VFW) have emerged as a compelling focus of research, particularly regarding the intricate transition processes between VTOL and fixed-wing flight and vice versa. The transition phase stands out as the pivotal stage in VFW flights, with one of the most recent and challenging strategies involving mimicking a bird's takeoff, simultaneously executing vertical and horizontal takeoffs. Such transition patterns are influenced by ground effects, given that the transition initiates from the ground. While ground effect positively enhances lift force, it concurrently introduces a negative impact by disrupting flight stability. This research endeavor involves the development of both a physical and mathematical model for VFW, incorporating ground effects through the Newton Euler approach. The state space approach is employed for designing a Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) control system that manages the VFW transition process. Comprehensive three-dimensional visual simulations on the Robot Operating System (ROS) and Gazebo are conducted to evaluate the VFW model, ground effect model, and the LQR control system. Testing unfolds across three scenarios: ideal conditions, conditions influenced by ground effects, and scenarios involving external disturbances. Results from these scenarios demonstrate the successful execution of the VFW transition mission, replicating a bird's takeoff. The VFW meets success criteria, with steady state error pitch and roll both below 4.5°, yaw rate less than 3°/second, airspeed surpassing 5m/sec, and an altitude exceeding 5m. Ground effect proves beneficial during the transition, providing additional lift force and accelerating the cruising altitude to 4.53 seconds, 0.18 seconds faster than without ground effect. However, ground effect introduces negative consequences, instigating roll attitude instability of 4.30° and pitch attitude of 8.17°. External disturbances during testing result in a roll error of -9.39° and a pitch error of 9.43°, yet the control system successfully restores stability with a roll attitude settling time of 0.93 seconds and a pitch attitude settling time of 0.90 seconds. Overall, the testing affirms the efficacy of the LQR control system in managing instability arising from ground effects and external disturbances. Future research endeavors should focus on control optimization to minimize steady-state roll and pitch errors. Additionally, introducing test scenarios involving external disturbances during ground effects will further enhance the comprehensiveness of the study

ABSTRACT In recent years, VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) Fixed Wing (VFW) have emerged as a compelling focus of research, particularly regarding the intricate transition processes between VTOL and fixed-wing flight and vice versa. The transition phase stands out as the pivotal stage in VFW flights, with one of the most recent and challenging strategies involving mimicking a bird's takeoff, simultaneously executing vertical and horizontal takeoffs. Such transition patterns are influenced by ground effects, given that the transition initiates from the ground. While ground effect positively enhances lift force, it concurrently introduces a negative impact by disrupting flight stability. This research endeavor involves the development of both a physical and mathematical model for VFW, incorporating ground effects through the Newton Euler approach. The state space approach is employed for designing a Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) control system that manages the VFW transition process. Comprehensive three-dimensional visual simulations on the Robot Operating System (ROS) and Gazebo are conducted to evaluate the VFW model, ground effect model, and the LQR control system. Testing unfolds across three scenarios: ideal conditions, conditions influenced by ground effects, and scenarios involving external disturbances. Results from these scenarios demonstrate the successful execution of the VFW transition mission, replicating a bird's takeoff. The VFW meets success criteria, with steady state error pitch and roll both below 4.5°, yaw rate less than 3°/second, airspeed surpassing 5m/sec, and an altitude exceeding 5m. Ground effect proves beneficial during the transition, providing additional lift force and accelerating the cruising altitude to 4.53 seconds, 0.18 seconds faster than without ground effect. However, ground effect introduces negative consequences, instigating roll attitude instability of 4.30° and pitch attitude of 8.17°. External disturbances during testing result in a roll error of -9.39° and a pitch error of 9.43°, yet the control system successfully restores stability with a roll attitude settling time of 0.93 seconds and a pitch attitude settling time of 0.90 seconds. Overall, the testing affirms the efficacy of the LQR control system in managing instability arising from ground effects and external disturbances. Future research endeavors should focus on control optimization to minimize steady-state roll and pitch errors. Additionally, introducing test scenarios involving external disturbances during ground effects will further enhance the comprehensiveness of the study

Subyek/Kata Kunci: VTOL fixed wing; transisi; ground effect; ROS; Gazebo; linear quadratic regulator (LQR)