Judul: Paleopatologi Manusia Plawangan Ekskavasi Tahun 1978 : Kaitan Antara Bekal Kubur Dan Penyakit===Paleopathology Of Plawangan People From The Excavation In 1978 : Relationship Between Burial Goods And Disease /-ARK
Pengarang: Yuniawan, Abdul Aziz
Penerbit: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM
Tahun: 2022
Tipe: Skripsi
Lokasi: Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Budaya

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mengkaji kaitan antara kesehatan masa lampau dengan kondisi sosial ekonomi individu yang bersangkutan . Rangka yang digunakan adalah rangka manusia di Situs Plawangan yang diekskavasi pada tahun 1977-1978. Sampel rangka yang diambil disimpan di Laboratorium Paleoantropologi FKKMK UGM. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode analisis makroskopis yang kemudian dikaitkan dengan jumlah dan jenis bekal kubur. Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan adalah identifikasi ulang rangka menggunakan identifikasi makroskopis (usia, jenis kelamin, tinggi badan, penyakit), penilaian bekal kubur, kemudian sintesa antara hasil identifikasi rangka dan nilai bekal kubur. Berdasarkan jumlah data yang ada, belum jelas hubungan antara paleopatologi dan bekal kubur. Tidak ada perbedaan jumlah atau jenis penyakit yang berarti antara rangka yang memiliki bekal kubur tinggi dan rendah. Penyakit yang kemungkinan berhubungan dengan pekerjaan fisik (vertebrae osteophyte) ditemukan pada satu individu yang memiliki nilai bekal kubur rendah. Namun, penyakit gigi ditemukan pada individu yang memiliki nilai bekal kubur tinggi dan juga rendah. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kesadaran akan kesehatan gigi manusia Plawangan belum pada tingkat yang tinggi. ===This study examines the relationship between past health and the socio - economic conditions of the individual concerned . The skeleton used were human skeleton from the Plawangan Site which was excavated in 1977-1978. The skeletal samples taken were stored in the Paleoanthropology Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine, UGM. The method used is a macroscopic analysis method which is then associated with the number and types of burial goods. The steps taken were re-identification of the skeleton (age, sex, height, disease), scoring of the burial goods, then a synthesis between the results of the identification of the skeleton and the value of the burial goods. Based on the amount of data available, the relationship between paleopathology and burial goods is not yet clear. There is no significant difference in the number or type of disease between skeletons with high and low burial goods score. Disease related to physical work (vertebrae osteophyte) was found on one individual who had low score in burial goods. However, dental disease was found in individuals who had high and low score of burial goods. This shows that awareness of the dental health of Plawangan people is not yet at a high level.

ABSTRACT This study examines the relationship between past health and the socio - economic conditions of the individual concerned . The skeleton used were human skeleton from the Plawangan Site which was excavated in 1977-1978. The skeletal samples taken were stored in the Paleoanthropology Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine, UGM. The method used is a macroscopic analysis method which is then associated with the number and types of burial goods. The steps taken were re-identification of the skeleton (age, sex, height, disease), scoring of the burial goods, then a synthesis between the results of the identification of the skeleton and the value of the burial goods. Based on the amount of data available, the relationship between paleopathology and burial goods is not yet clear. There is no significant difference in the number or type of disease between skeletons with high and low burial goods score. Disease related to physical work (vertebrae osteophyte) was found on one individual who had low score in burial goods. However, dental disease was found in individuals who had high and low score of burial goods. This shows that awareness of the dental health of Plawangan people is not yet at a high level.

Subyek/Kata Kunci: Paleopatologi, bekal kubur, status kesehatan, Plawangan